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Kyle Hechler's GITA 2 Website

The coding language I learned last year was C Sharp in windows forms. I learned to use arrays, loops, timers, and much more. Now I am learning web design with HTML. So far I have learned how to style text, add padding, and add images.

School address: 789 Wildcat Way, Brea, CA 92821

School phone number: (714) 990-7850

My Future educational goals are to go all the way to GITA 4, and eventually go to a decent college.

My career goals are to maybe work somewhere with programming involved, or maybe it will be running.

The only AP Class that I am taking currently is GITA 2, as I am only a freshman

I am currently not in a club but I have an extracurricular and that is cross country.

I am currently not involved in any community service.

About GITA

GITA is a class course you can take if you want to learn how to program in various languages. The GITA program can help you find related jobs in the future, making it a good course to take.


Tech Page Rollovers


Click on the image to view the html file.

Buisness Card


Click on the image to view the html file.



Click on the image to view the html file.

Merchandise Store


Click on the image to view the html file.

Dice Project


Click on the image to view the html file.

Merchandise Store Upgrade


Click on the image to view the html file.

Craps Game


Click on the image to view the html file.

Circle Bounce


Click on the image to view the html file.

Basic Space Invader


Click on the image to view the html file.

Tank Project


Click on the image to view the html file.

Circle Bounce Update


Click on the image to view the html file.

Sub Program


Click on the image to view the html file.
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